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IL-AAUP Meeting
Minutes for November 13, 2004
Illinois Conference Policy Council


American Association of University Professors
Illinois Conference Council
Minutes from the November 13, 2004 Council Meeting
Columbia College Chicago

Council Members and others present: Pan Papacosta, President (Columbia College Chicago); Leo Welch, Vice-President (Southwestern Illinois College); Lynne M. Meyer, Executive Director (Moraine Valley Community College); John Wilson (Illinois State University); Hugh Miller, Past President of Loyola chapter; Peter Kirstein (St. Xavier University); Jack Leahy (DePaul University); Michael McIntyre (DePaul University); Fred Widlak (National-Louis University); Walter Kendall (The John Marshall Law School); Lisa Townsley (Benedictine University); Lee Maltby (St. Augustine College); Michael Collins (Loyola University Medical Center); L. H. Ludwig, webmaster.

I. Welcome and Approval of Minutes:
President Pan Papacosta called the meeting to order at 10:25 a.m.
• Minutes were presented, and unanimously approved.

II. Reports:
a. President’s Report
• We are now registered as a not-for-profit organization in Illinois (501c4)
• Pan received inquiries from a number of people, including lawyers, to whom he sent Redbooks, and individual members. Of special concern is the Ethics Law, and how this may infringe on Academic Freedom. Pan detailed specific situations brought to his attention, and opened the topic up for discussion. Peter Kirstein moved that the Council take a stand on this, form a statement, etc.; this was seconded by Walter Kendall, and unanimously approved.
• We issued another chapter grant, to U of I-Springfield.
• Pan reported on the national AAUP meeting in June, which had been attended by Pan, Leo, John, and Joe Felder. At this meeting, the Illinois conference received awards for both the Newsletter and the website.

b. Vice-President’s Report:
• Leo updated the Council on a variety of issues, including: the status of state funding public college & universities (no loss/no gain); changes in eligibility for the MAP awards; the withdrawal of proposed legislation to have the State govern the granting /denying of tenure.

c. Treasurer’s Report:
• The Council with updated information of the status of the Conference’s finances, and provided detailed reports to each member. Peter commended the thoroughness of the Treasurer’s reports, and applauded her hard work. Pan proposed changes to the annual meeting in order to cut down on expenses, and Walter proposed the development of budgeting guidelines.
• Lisa asked for clarification on filing of tax returns. She also recommended obtaining liability insurance, and plans on getting more information about doing so. The issue was opened up for discussion.

d. Editor’s Report:
• Proposed keeping The Illinois Academe to two issues per year. Peter asked to be added to the Speakers Bureau list that is published in the Academe.
• Given his graduation in May, John wondered what his status with the Council will be afterwards, especially if he were not to remain in Illinois.
• John provided an update on developments at ISU, where the non-tenure-track faculty just unionized.
• Pan commended John’s work, and also suggested that we have something from an administrator in each issue of the Academe. He also moved that John’s pay for his work on the Academe be increased for the current issue and beyond. Peter seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. (John recused himself from the discussion and the passing of the motion.)

e. Executive Director’s Report
• Lynne elaborated on the office’s activities, including the status of the Conference’s email newsletter and the increased number of inquiries from members and non-members on a variety of issues.

III. Annual Meeting:
• Pan introduced Hugh Miller, Past President of the Loyola chapter.
• Returning to his earlier proposal for changes in the structure of the annual meeting as a means for cutting costs, Pan recommended that the Council meeting be held in the morning, which would be followed by lunch and then the annual meeting itself. This would avoid, among other things, an overnight stay for Council members.
• Pan’s suggestion was approved unanimously. The annual meeting itself will be held on a Saturday in April (specific date to be determined later – either the 16th or the 23rd).
• Pan asked for ideas for the meeting’s theme, format, and possible speakers. Among those suggested as speakers, Pan proposed Hugh Miller, with the suggestion that the meeting be held at Loyola. He then turned the

IV. Hugh Miller’s Report:
• The Council was informed of current issues of concern at Loyola. Hugh asked for assistance from the Conference in dealing with them, and stressed how greatly the AAUP-IL presence is of benefit. He also invited the Conference to hold the annual meeting at Loyola. John moved to do so, and the motion was unanimously approved.

V. Communications – Webmaster’s Report:
• L. H. recognized Pan for his effort’s to build the website, and stressed that the site can be a great recruiting tool. To that end, he suggested various ideas for the further improvement of the site, including the possibility of having other chapters “build” onto our site; this would be especially good for those chapters at institutions which do not allow AAUP chapter sites under the school’s auspices.

VI. Committees:
• Steps were taken to form a nominating committee to deal with upcoming Council vacancies – President, Secretary, and four Council members.
• Pan moved to accept Hugh Miller, Mike McIntyre, Lisa Townsley and Walter Kendall as the nominating committee. This was unanimously approved.

VII. New Business:
• Pan proposed the formation of an awards committee to recognize “friends of AAUP” – e.g., journalists or administrators who promote AAUP principles. The award might be an honorarium, an invitation to speak, etc. Hugh Miller suggested that we publish a request for nominations for the award in the Academe.
• The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.



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