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AAUP Conference Proposals

In the past year, free speech on campuses has become a focus of contentious debate and increased media scrutiny. Campus communities—including administrators, faculty, and students—generally embrace the concept of free speech yet lack a clear consensus about its limits. The AAUP invites proposals for presentations at the AAUP conference on higher education in Arlington, Virginia, June 14-16, 2018, that offer nuanced articulations of the concept of free speech in the context of higher education. Presentations on other topics of interest to a diverse, multidisciplinary higher education audience are welcome. We encourage proposals that raise questions, engage conference participants in discussion, and foster dialogue.

You may propose either a complete session or an individual presentation. Individual presentations, if accepted, will be grouped into sessions with other individual presentations. Complete sessions may consist of a panel presentation followed by Q&A, or a roundtable discussion to encourage more audience participation. Proposals will be accepted through January 14, 2018 using the form at aaup.org/CFP-2018

For its next volume, scheduled for publication in fall 2018, the AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom seeks original, scholarly articles exploring current mobilizations of the term free speech and their connections to existing practices and concepts of constitutionally protected speech and academic freedom. Electronic submissions of no more than 8,000 words should be sent to jaf@aaup.org by January 31, 2018 and must include an abstract of about 150 words.