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Looking for the perfect person? AAUP can help.

Dear Colleague,

Did you know that AAUP has an online career center to help colleges and universities connect with qualified applicants? It can be a great resource when looking to fill a position in your department. With 38,000 members in the academic world, the AAUP community surely knows the perfect person for the job. Employers can post openings to the job bank, browse resumes, and find links that will help with the search process. Job-seekers can post resumes, browse the jobs that have been posted, and apply online.

AAUP members are also welcome to post their resumes on the career center for no charge.

If you have a position you are looking to fill or want to post your own resume, visit http://www.aaup.org/career-center to get started or for more information.

Gwendolyn Bradley, Director of External Relations