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Day of Action for Higher Education

Dear AAUP Member:

Last year, the AAUP became a founding member of the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education. The campaign’s principles focus on maintaining quality, affordable public education.

Now, campaign members are planning a national week of action April 16–22 around the theme “Invest in Quality Higher Education: The Right Course.”

Please consider scheduling an event on your campus. It doesn’t have to be elaborate--it could be as simple as distributing flyers or writing a letter to the editor on a local issue. Materials to help, including a logo for the day of action and sample flyers, are on the AAUP website at http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/about/events/Actions/actions. htm.

If you are planning an action, please let us know by sending an e-mail to edeutschfeldman@aaup.org.

Other ways to get involved: Visit the Campaign on Facebook and “like” it to get updates on Campaign activities. Encourage your chapter or conference to join the Campaign’s supporters.

For questions or comments about this e-mail, please contact Gwendolyn Bradley at gbradley@aaup.org.