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Minutes for Illinois Council

AAUP April 18, 2009, 9:30 a.m.
Roosevelt University,
18 S. Michigan,
Chicago, Ill

Present: Jerry Kendall, President, Peter Kirstein, Vice-president, Ken Andersen, treasurer, John Wilson, Peter Insley, Michael Harkins, Leo Welch, Kurt Fielding, Elizabeth Hoppe, Lee Maltby, secretary. Fashionably late and welcome attendee Gary Rhoades, general secretary of AAUP.

1. Welcome from Jerry Kendall at 9:30 and thanks to Roosevelt University.

2. Minutes from the fall meeting, September 20, 2008 were approved.

3. Officers’ report—Jerry Kendall deferred to speak until Committee A issues are raised. Treasurer Ken Andersen submitted financial report, technically tentative, as budget year does not end until June 30. Ken focused on a few changes in costs, including website. There were calls for more work to be done on said website. Current balance is healthy, yet some called for funds to be used on chapter development, or perhaps on other events ‘more glitzy.’ Ken reminded council that the budget needs to be spent, as too high a balance might draw attention from the IRS. Ken also proposed a budget for the coming year that would re-focus some of the priorities of the council—specifically, more money for chapter development. The finance report was approved by the council. Secretary Lee Maltby reported that National now has an email service that will allow the council to terminate its contract with Topica. Lee will seek to obtain a refund from Topica. (Lee also reported that his BSW program is now CSWE accredited.)

4. Website—discussed during Ken’s presentation.

5. Elections and bylaws—Lee reported that somehow the council got ‘out of sync’ per the terms of officers as required by the bylaws. After some discussion it was moved by Kurt Field, seconded, and approved that the president and vice-president would be elected for one year, and then submit themselves to a grueling re-election campaign in 2010. The current treasurer and secretary will be re-nominated for two year terms, which will end in 2012.

6. Election slate for this year: Michael Harkins (Harper College) for president, Peter Kirstein (St. Xavier University) for vp, Ken Andersen (UIUC) for treasurers and Lee Maltby (St. Augustine College) for secretary. Mssrs. Harkins and Kirstein will stand for one year with a new election in 2010. Ken and Lee’s terms are for two years. New state council members include: Lisa Higgins from College of DuPage, Elizabeth Hoppe from Lewis University, Patrick Ryan Williams from the Field Museum, Todd Price from National-Louis. In order to stagger the terms of office, 3 or 4 of the new council members will have a 3 year term, and one will have a 2 year term. (Correction: all will have 3 year terms per the bylaws. Lee Maltby)

7. Attendance at annual convention: Michael Harkins, Ken Andersen, Leo Welch, Lee Maltby. Lee will take care of the registration for delegate voting. John Wilson will also attend as a non-voting delegate. Ken A. reminded people of the importance in registering early, esp. to participate in Lobby Day.

8. Summer Institute—all new council members were recommended to attend the Institute this summer which will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota, July 23-26.

9. Midwest Coalition on Human Rights. John W. recommended that we join forces with them. John will send info on the Coalition to the council. John also reported we might participate in a conference at NEIU and help form a chapter there. Leo W. mentioned the value of working together with other groups such as NEA, IFT, esp. as that related to work with the Illinois legislature.

10. SURMAC resolution was presented by Ken A. After some discussion related to the language, it was adopted by the council. The first resolution was deleted and then adopted with changes on 4/18/09. Once changes have been made by Ken, he will forward to Lee so that national can email the resolution to the Illinois membership.

11. Committee Reports, starting with ‘A.’ College of DuPage—still up in the air for several reasons, esp. upcoming election of board members. IL-AAUP will strategize and coordinate with Lisa Higgins at COD. Motion was made and approved to re-send letter to COD board members. John W. will re-edit letter to address actions since initial letter was first sent. Jerry raised concerns re: issues at UI-Springfield, Eureka College, Rosalind Franklin. Questions were voiced as to how council can better coordinate activities with National to support Illinois institutions that are having problems. There is a real stress between the resources of IL-AAUP and current needs. Jerry stated that we need to know more and wondered what is our proper ‘realm?’ As IL-AAUP has opened doors with our activism, do we need a conversation about the role of committees, esp. A? All voiced agreement that we need better communication with national. Jerry K. reported new chapters at the Art Institute and Field Museum. He expressed The hope that a chapter could be formed at COD. Michael Harkins reported working on chapters at Harper College, Concordia University, and Elmhurst College. Michael suggested some form of ‘quarterly outreach’ to institutions, esp. those downstate. Jerry K. also reported a new chapter forming at Augustana.

Illinois AAUP State Conference Fall meeting
October 24, 2009
Harper College,
Palatine, Ill.

Present: Michael Harkins, president (& host par excellence), Harper College, Peter Kirstein, vice-president, SXU, Ken Andersen, treasurer, UICU, Matthew Abraham, Depaul University, John Wilson, ISU, Lisa Higgins, COD, Leo Welch, SWIC, Kurt Field, Bradley University, Peter Insley, Columbia College, Todd Price, National Louis, Lee Maltby, secretary

1. Michael Harkins called the meeting to order 10:09 a.m.,

2. Minutes approved as submitted, with Lee to clarify the length of terms for newly elected council members’

3. Officer’s report a. President Michael H. reported that old website was taken down(!), and that the new website has been successful in fielding interest and calls from around the state. Blackburn AAUP chapter is growing and faculty have multiple concerns related to governance, $$, influence of faculty, communication, insurance costs, paycuts, layoffs, promotion issues. Issues of MAP funding were also raised COD—letter sent, Michael shared copies with membership. Illinois Wesleyan—chapter is developing, needs monies for activities. We need to determine criteria for funding chapter development. Questions were raised re: form, and approval process. Michael passed out guidelines from national that we can utilize. Per capita grants—deadline is Dec. 1. b. Peter Kirstein—again commented on website and value of Illinois Academe that was recognized, and have a link on website to Illinois Academe. Peter also requested that we need a new chair for committee A. c. Ken Andersen—treasurer report, passed list of expenditures to committee, and we are under budget currently. Ill AAUP is now registered in Champaign county. Ken asked to recycle old laptop he received when he became treasurer. Ken also wants to archive materials and keep those at archive in library at UIUC. Motions were made to recycle laptop and allow Ken to archive material, seconded, and approved unanimously. Motion was made to act on grants for the per capita and chapter grants. Michael also asked that Ken provide a list of materials to be archived for future purposes. Basically materials older than five years will be archived. d. Lee Maltby, secretary, no report

4. Website—Michael is to be ‘point person’ for website, some materials still need to be sent to webmasters. Peter requested that actual link (URL) be sent to all members, updated emails and pictures of executive committee. Also need to figure what is going on with old website! Michael is to meet with webmaster next week. John W. suggested that Michael write something to be sent via email to membership, as well as Leo’s column. Ken A. asked about chapter service to be displayed on website.

5. Committee A a. Pete K., reported requests for intervention from Depaul (& others), 4 faculty were denied tenure. Peter recommended that Com A. issue a report on tenure decision making process, esp. at DePaul. Issue of transparency is ‘huge’ at DePaul. Matthew A weighed in also. Issues of standards and expertise were raised, esp. by the University Board of Promotion and Tenure. Discussion on issues of processes on promotion and tenure ensued. Committee A will draft a report that will be forwarded to Lee and then on to the executive committee and council membership. A Northwestern faculty member was also denied tenure but the process appears to have stalled or perhaps ended. b. Lisa Higgins reported on situation at COD. Michael H. passed out copies of policies at COD. Lisa H. provided some history and updated committee on board membership at COD. Four of ten policies that board rescinded were passed and the board continues to play with the language of policies while gearing up for a fight over ABOR (Academic Bill of Rights). John W. suggested that the conference be more proactive and public in fighting these ‘policies’. Lisa reported that National (with Gary Rhoades) has worked with NEA and IEA in support of these issues. Lisa will suggest a few ideas to the council on how to best fight these issues. c. Concordia—Michael H. situation is still ‘brewing’ d. Elmhurst—no news, need to make contact, probably Michael H. e. Harper—Michael H. reported process is still working f. Augustana—no information of what is happening there, Michael H. may contact them. Ken A. offered to go to Augustana if invited, perhaps with Kurt F. g. Eureka—Peter K. reported that national took up cause at Eureka, Peter K. will investigate to learn more h. UI-Springfield, no real knowledge of any action taken to organize there i. Rosalind Franklin School of Medicine, no current knowledge, issues of viability due to size of faculty

6. Governmental relations—Leo Welch, thanked John W. for his participation in Ill. Community College Conference, with presentation on academic freedom. Leo W. also shared a legislative report delivered at SWIC on October 10, 2009. Leo W. focused on issue of ‘dual credit’ system, where high school students earn credit at both high school and college. Issues of institutions double-dipping, students getting double credit with concerns over quality of courses were raised. But as the practice promotes college education, almost all support the practice (including legislators), except perhaps faculty who are concerned about quality and integrity of the courses. Leo W. also focused on the ‘Pickering’ case related to free speech rights and public concern. Proposed bill will allow faculty to speak to legislators freely without permission, and hopefully without fear of retribution. Last, Leo W. brought attention to a bill related to freedom of speech of faculty being allowed to advertise their views via bumper stickers (buttons? office door postings?). Part-time and tenure track—Peter Insley, ‘two quick things’, there is an AAUP chapter for PT faculty at Columbia College, and Peter is working to organize them. Also, Roosevelt, the City Colleges, and Columbia have formed a regional group within IEA and can thereby promote AAUP issues.

7. Spring conference—where, when, who? One topic could be corporatization. John W. suggested (as in the past) that we look for a co-sponsor such as CoCal, IEA, etc. Leo W. asked, can we include FTA, IEA, NEA as co-sponsors? Michael H. will contact Gary Rhoades to see how we can include some of these organizations. Several potential speakers were mentioned. Motion was made and approved to have annual state conference at St. Augustine College on April 17, with back-up date of April 10.

8. John W. mentioned potential date of publication for Illinois Academe in March 2010.

9. Michael appointed John. W., Peter I., Matthew A., Kurt F. to Committee A. Leo W. to governmental relations. Michael H. will follow-up with Elizabeth Hoppe on status of committee on women and minorities

10. In order to keep Ill. membership current on happenings around the state, email newsletters will be written monthly. Kurt F. is to give report in November, Peter I. in December, Lisa H. January, Matthew A. in February. 11. Lee is to contact Jerry Kendall to clarify which new members were appointed to which terms on the council. 12. A few closing comments on summer institute and annual meeting opportunities. 13. Adjournment at 12:12, lunch at Anthem Grill.

Respectfully submitted, Lee Maltby, secretary